summer bucket list & the we don’t know what to do bucket

One day this summer I am going to wake-up and think, “What are we going to do today?” I know this will happen because every summer/Christmas/spring break it has, and at the  end of each of these vacations I am sitting there thinking, I meant to do so much, what happened to the time.

Enter the buckets. Now, I am not only ready, but I have ideas that will keep both Imogen and me from saying “What are we going to do?”

Now there are two buckets (Imogen/Maddy focused) and one large white board (Aimee focused) – I do love a good list.

Let’s look at the exciting ones first.

montessori works summer bucket list

The basic plan was – think of places/activities/outings that would break the routine, write them on popsicle sticks, then color coded the sticks with scrapbook paper. Based on the day we will decided which type of stick to pull from which bucket.

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