art closet – my montessori corners

Just as I am not the Montessori teacher to go to for art ideas, I am not the artsy mom either. I can get into crafts, but as I confessed in my last post, I do struggle to find ways to encourage and support art in the class and the home. My general philosophy for most things is — if the materials are ready and easy to put together, it is far more likely I will use them. Following that, at our house we have the our art closet. It’s not perfect, it’s not always neat, it’s not a lot, but it is working.

montessori works - art closet

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basics – my montessori corners

I have tried to think about what would define our home as a Montessori home, because it is, but how? I do not have works for my daughter – she comes to school with me and has a whole class full of works and two wonderful teachers, thankfully that is off my plate – but I still support and develop the basics of all Montessori activities — coordination, concentration, independence and a sense of order. Here are a few ways that I have found that work for our family.

The Learning Tower

Montessori Home

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the closet – my montessori corners

There are so many wonderful ways to incorporate Montessori into the home. Some families have beautiful Montessori inspired playrooms, others have whole classrooms where they focus their homeschool activities, I fall somewhere in the middle. I am starting this series “our montessori home” as a way to show how we do Montessori in our home and how it has worked, how it hasn’t (I am thinking about our disastrous floor bed experience), and how it has evolved as Imogen grows.

To start it off I wanted to share my recent redo of my daughter’s closet.

Okay, here it goes, the before. Close your eyes, it’s a scary sight.

Montessori Closet

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