this moment

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see. Inspired by SouleMama.

this moment August 8

SouleMama was the first blog I started reading, oh I guess about 8 years ago. I have always loved her {this moment} series, and I  thought I would follow along, since, well, I now have a blog!

Father’s Day French Yogurt Cake

French yogurt cake has been a staple in our house for the last few years. My obsession started after I read A Homemade Life, by Molly Wizenberg (here is her blog post about the cake). Over time we have tried many variations, and finally settled on a recipe that fits our family.

The delightful part of the recipe is that the units of measurement are based on the yogurt container (about half a cup). The lovely and romantic story is that this is one of the first cakes that young French children learn to make. If we lived in France, I would have a darling glass yogurt jar, but since we don’t, I have an old YoBaby yogurt cup that we just reuse.

Father's Day French yogurt cake - a mostly independent baking project | montessori works blog

Why is this a fantastic early baking experience? Well, first it is absolutely delicious. Second, I love it as a transitional baking project. Rather than having all the ingredients premeasured (as I do with other baking projects) part of the work, and the fun, of making this cake is using the yogurt container as the unit of measurement. It adds in that next step in to the baking process. It does require support from an adult, but it is building the bridge to more independence in the kitchen. And, did I mention it’s delicious as well as adaptable?

Continue reading “Father’s Day French Yogurt Cake”

summer bucket list & the we don’t know what to do bucket

One day this summer I am going to wake-up and think, “What are we going to do today?” I know this will happen because every summer/Christmas/spring break it has, and at the  end of each of these vacations I am sitting there thinking, I meant to do so much, what happened to the time.

Enter the buckets. Now, I am not only ready, but I have ideas that will keep both Imogen and me from saying “What are we going to do?”

Now there are two buckets (Imogen/Maddy focused) and one large white board (Aimee focused) – I do love a good list.

Let’s look at the exciting ones first.

montessori works summer bucket list

The basic plan was – think of places/activities/outings that would break the routine, write them on popsicle sticks, then color coded the sticks with scrapbook paper. Based on the day we will decided which type of stick to pull from which bucket.

Continue reading “summer bucket list & the we don’t know what to do bucket”

marbleized spring garland

There are many benefits to having a four year old at home. Not only is she my darling wonderful little girl, but she is also a perfect control group for new works. When I come up with an idea for my class, and I am not really sure about how I will present it or how it will actually work, you can be sure my first lesson will go to Imogen. As they tell you in your training, it is essential to practice giving lessons, and when you have such a willing audience, it is easy.

marble paper - montessori works

In an effort to enliven our classroom art shelf and, hopefully make something pretty for Mother’s Day, I started researching marbleizing paper. There are beautiful paper marbleizing kits from Japan, but those were both beyond my budget and my ability. After a little quality Google research, I settled on shaving cream paper marbling. As usual, Google turns up many tutorials, and they’re all basically the same, this is the one I followed.Continue reading “marbleized spring garland”

montessori gift ideas

It seems to be birthday season (as if there is a season to having babies). For me, buying birthday gifts – for children other than mine – can easily turn into a stressful outing. I want to balance the wants of the child and respect both my personal philosophy on toys and the parents.

Montessori gift ideas

For gift giving, I don’t really have any hard and fast guidelines beyond no batteries and no characters. I like gifts that are open-ended and don’t have to be used in one particular way, however, there are really only so many ways to use a bug catcher or hand drill!

Continue reading “montessori gift ideas”